Home Learning

Home Learning
at St John’s Catholic Infant School

At St John’s we appreciate and value the impact that Parents and Carers have upon their child’s progress through supporting home learning.

What is home learning?

To encourage the children to develop, apply and extend the skills they have learnt in school in a fun and interactive way. Also to involve parents/carers in their child’s learning by encouraging them to use and consolidate their new skills, whilst developing a curiosity about the world. 

Please click on the links below to look at our Home Learning Policy and our Core Principles of Home Learning

Listed below is the home learning timetable for each year group;

The children can access our online reading scheme Bug Club at any time using their own log-ins.

F2 – Reading twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays; with sounds taught and then keywords going home on Fridays.

Year 1 – Reading twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays; English, Maths or Topic home learning sent home on a Friday.

Year 2 – Reading twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays; English, Maths or Topic home learning sent home on a Friday.

Curriculum Newsletters

Here are the curriculum information newsletters for each year group to give you an idea of what the children will be covering in their topics during 2024-2025:

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term