at St John’s Catholic Infant School

To support the children in Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) we follow a scheme called Jigsaw. This provides a comprehensive PSHE Programme which covers all the requirements of the government guidance and outcomes, and more. The framework of the programme covers all the themes described above which are taken from the Catholic RSE Programme by the Catholic Education Service, which has been highlighted by the Department of Education as a work of good practice. Jigsaw’s philosophy starts by building positive self-image, a sense of identity and a healthy relationship with self, and from that starting point helps children grow healthy relationships with others. Jigsaw values every child and so takes inclusivity as a given, promoting acceptance of individuals for who they are and who they will become. Health Education in Jigsaw embraces not only physical health but has a strong focus on mental health and emotional literacy throughout, and empowers children to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings and know how to manage and regulate these (e.g.using Calm Me (mindfulness techniques) that teaches children how to respect themselves and one another.

The Relationships, Healthy Me and Changing Me Puzzles (units) cover most of the aspects in the RSE guidance but these are enhanced, revisited and foundations built throughout the Jigsaw Programme. Alongside our PSHE Jigsaw scheme we use the Ten:Ten’s new programme for Catholic primary schools, Life to the Full, to teach Relationships Education and Health Education. This scheme has been recommended by the Bishop of Shrewsbury and ensures that RSE is taught within the context of a Christian understanding of human sexuality rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Catholic Church. Life to the Full is a fully resourced scheme of work in Relationships and Health Education for Catholic primary schools which embraces and fulfils the new statutory curriculum. Taught with a spiral approach to learning, the children revisit the same topics at an age-appropriate stage through their school life. The entire teaching is underpinned with a religious understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God – created, chosen and loved by God. The programme is fully inclusive of all pupils and their families

Please click on the links below to read more about our Jigsaw PSHE and RSE Policies, scheme of work and the themes taught across each year group:

Protected Characteristics and the Equalities Act 2010: “There are 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 (Age; Being or Becoming a Transsexual Person; Being Married or in a Civil Partnership; Being Pregnant or on Maternity Leave; Disability; Race Including Colour, Nationality, Ethnic, or National Origin; Religion, Belief or Lack of Religion/ Belief; Sex; Sexual Orientation), and all schools should be able to demonstrate that no form of discrimination is tolerated and that pupils show respect for those who share the protected characteristics” Please click on the button below to read how we include the teaching of this into our curriculum